What is VISA RETROGRESSION and how it affects a Permanent Residency

VISA RETROGRESSION or its simple translation into Spanish “RETROCESO DE VISAS” refers to situations in which there are fewer Immigrant Visas available than the number of people applying for them.

For example, in the specific case of Immigrant Visas that are; (1) by employment; (2) for professionals & skilled workers; (3) for nationals of all areas, EXCEPT India, Mexico, Phillipines, or born in Chinese territory, do not have a wait during the month of April 2023, applications for Permanent Residence are current and this is defined with a letter C In the Visa Bulletin of April 2023, this changes for the following month of May. In the month of May 2023 these same applications will have to wait and give priority to applications from June 1, 2022 or older.

The government publishes a monthly visa bulletin specifying the priority date for specific categories. For more information you can visit the Immigration page of www.uscis.gov/visabulletininfo in English, and https://www.uscis.gov/es/residencia-permanente-tarjeta-verde/procesos-y-procedimientos-para-la-residencia-permanente/disponibilidad-de-visas-y-fechas-de-prioridad/tablas-del-boletin-de-visas-sobre-presentacion-de-ajuste-de-estatus in Spanish.

We published a video with a brief explanation in Spanish through our YouTube page, you can find it at the following link https://youtu.be/GlCwCvkeCag

As always remember that we are not lawyers and the information provided by our company or our team is for general information purposes only. It should not be construed as a communication of legal advice or opinion. You can read our full warning statement in Spanish here https://www.usia.legal/es/advertencia , or in English here https://www.usia.legal/disclaimer . Thank you.